YSL musical

Det ska göras en musikal om Yves Saint Laurents liv. Pierre-Dominique Burgaud har skrivit dialogen och Alain Chamfort har skrivit text och musik. Handlingen ska spegla YLSs liv, från ung pojke i Oran med Parisdrömmar till Dior, eget märke och tuxedon. När och var den ska visas är ännu inte klart. Vill såklart se!
A musical about Yves Saint Laurent's live is in the making. Pierre-Dominique Burgaud has written the dialogue and Alain Chamfort has written music and lyrics. It will reflect the life of YSL, starting out as a young boy in Oran with dreams of Paris, to Dior, his own brand and the tuxedo. When and where the spectacle is going to be held, has not yet been announced.
And yes, of course I want to see it!
Postat av: Mia
Postat av: miriam
ja, spännande! vet du vem som spelar Yves?
Postat av: faddict
A YSL musical is also something that I would love to see! I had no idea it was being made!
Postat av: julia
lovely photo ^^
Postat av: fashiondarling answers
Mia: Hum, what?... Didn't get it...
Postat av: Zandra
Det låter ju riktigt spännande :)
Postat av: Louise
Oh my god, that's crazy, a musical about YSL! Haha, that should be interesting. I want to see it!